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By Allen Berry on Tuesday, May 7, 2019

PDF Archy and Mehitabel Don Marquis 9780385094788 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 192 pages
  • Publisher Anchor; Reprint edition (April 17, 1970)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0385094787

Archy and Mehitabel Don Marquis 9780385094788 Books Reviews

  • I got these books for my 91 year old mother. She told me one morning that she was dreaming about Archy and Mehitable. I had never heard of them before as this is a little before my time. I was talking to a friend and she told me how Don Marquis used to have a newspaper Colum back in the day and how they made some of his writings into books. My mother has Macular Degeneration, so I read the books out loud to her. She was very tickled that I had purchased the books for her and I enjoy hearing the stories as well, such a nice change of pace from all of the things going on in this world.
  • This is one of my favorite books by one of my favorite writers. The two main characters, Archy and Mehitabel, dispense wisdom comments that are applicable to the world now even though they were written in the early 1900's. Don Marquis was an astute observer of people and the world and his views are valid today. I have this book in hard copy as well as format. George Herriman's drawings are priceless and add to the charm of the stories. I got my original copy of "archy and mehitabel" when I was a newlywed (many years ago) and it and the other books that comprise "the lives and times of archy and mehitabel" have become my go-to book, In fact, I own a black cat and named her Mehitabel.
  • MARQUIS, Don. archy and mehitabel. Doubleday (Anchor). 1916-1930; reissued 1973, 1990. 193p. $8.95. (pb)
    archyology the long lost tales of archy and mehitabel. UPNE. Republished in 2009. 120p. $14. (pb)
    archyology ii (the final dig) the long lost tales of archy and mehitabel. Bloodaxe. 2000. 124p. $13.80 (pb)

    expression is the need of my soul
    i was once a vers libre poet
    but i died and my soul went into the body of a cockroach
    it has given me a new outlook on life

    Thus wrote archy the cockroach in his fist communiqué to newsman and soon to be friend Don Marquis. The time was 1916. The US wasn't even involved in World War I and Prohibition was yet to come.

    Marquis was a columnist and reporter for the New York Sun but he was also a frustrated poet. His way out was to write columns in blank verse about Archy, a free verse poet reborn as a cockroach, and archy's raggle taggle alleycat friend mehitabel, who claimed to have been Cleopatra in a former life. His columns had been supposedly written by archy, one letter at a time. archy would climb to the top of Marquis's typewriter, then throw himself head first at the key he wanted to hit. He couldn't print capitals because he didn`t have the strength or reach to work the shift bar and a letter at the same time. Thus everything he wrote was in lower case with no punctuation.)

    archy's missals to his reporter friend are as enjoyable to read now as they were when they first appeared between 1916-1930. The political and social commentary that surfaces in some of them is dated now. It's the pieces about archy and mehitabel -a strange friendship--that are timeless. How can you not like a creature who writes "i see things from the underside now/ thank you for the apple peelings in the wastepaper basket boss/ but your glue is getting so stale/ i cant eat it"? And mehitabel's devil-may-care approach to life (which usually treats her badly)? "i have had my ups and downs/ but wotthehell wotthehell/ yesterday scepters and crowns/ fried oysters and velvet gowns/ and today i herd with bums/ but wotthehell wotthehell..."

    archy and mehitabel was made into a not very good musical called Shinbone Alley. Carol Channing sang mehitabel's role on the short version recording of it. Channing was probably as good as you could get for mehitabel but unfortunately, the vehicle was inferior. For the true stuff, you still have to go these three collections of Marquis's columns. (The archyology books are only for fanatics -they're collections of the leftover pieces that somehow had not made it into he original collection.)
  • It's hard not to love the lyrics of Archy. In fact, I would argue that he's probably one of the greatest poets the 21st-century. It might sound like heresy to say the cockroach is such an amazing poet, but , Archy captures the national consciousness. He has so much to say about current events like the war, domestic life, traveling abroad . Lyrics are so frenzied and crazy that most people probably would put this book down after the first couple of pages, but if you allow yourself to drift into Archy's stream of consciousness, it's intensely gratifying experience unlike any other poetry ever read. That being said, I do feel that the e-book version has some quality issues. It seems like there were some typos in the conversion , and the formatting left a lot to be desired . I also would've liked to see some special features, simply more than just a text of the book itself . Overall, this was a great read , and just as memorable as when I read it the first time a few years ago. This book is one of my all-time favorites.
  • I had forgotten how much I enjoyed reading about Archy and Mehitabel many years ago. It's pretty hard to believe that Marquis created Archy almost a century ago - the writing still feels fresh and insightful. And it looks like we have many of the same issues today! The characters really come alive on the page, and apart from being wise, it's just plain fun to read. I would have given it 5 stars except for the typos scattered throughout the book - doesn't any human ever proof ebooks when they create them?? Things like "torn cat" instead of "tom cat" or "j" instead of "i". Hire a proofreader!!
  • "Archie and Mehitabel" is a book written and published in the early 1900's by Don Marquis. It is about Archie, a poet and philosopher in a former life, transmigrated into the body of a cockroach. At night he takes over the typewriter of a human writer who is kind enough to always leave an empty sheet of paper in it before retiring. Archie pounds out stories about himself, his views and feelings, working with all his might. The other character is Archie's friend Mehitibel, a very precocious alley cat, transmigrated into her present form but having once been Cleopatra. Mehitabel exhibits a special savoir-faire. She has many adventures which Archie types out so the world will know how Mehitabel survives on the streets, her philosophy and off-handed views of life. It also shows her acceptance of life as it is and her philosophical turnings. Their adventures are a delight for those who enjoy the whimsical, have a vivid imagination, and are fun-loving in spirit.