Read Online BAMBOO STRONG Cultural Intelligence Secrets To Succeed In The New Global Economy David Clive Price 9781947290914 Books

By Allen Berry on Saturday, May 4, 2019

Read Online BAMBOO STRONG Cultural Intelligence Secrets To Succeed In The New Global Economy David Clive Price 9781947290914 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 242 pages
  • Publisher WildBlue Press; 2nd ed. edition (January 8, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1947290916

BAMBOO STRONG Cultural Intelligence Secrets To Succeed In The New Global Economy David Clive Price 9781947290914 Books Reviews

  • Bamboo Strong should be essential reading for anyone hoping to be successful in business. The central message of this book is that unless you are open to the challenges of cultural intelligence (understanding the language within the language) you will not succeed. Bamboo is used as a good example of the need for malleability, as it has the ability tobend and accommodate in stressful conditions without losing its original shape. Recognising that we live and work in a modern global village, companies are choosing to become matrix organisations and to embrace diversity as an opportunity in the search for talent. To win this talent race, an increasing number of successful companies are investing in understanding the implications of cultural intelligence.

    Mariano A. Davies, President & CEO
    British Chamber in Denmark
  • Practical, well researched and to-the-point. Highly recommended.
  • As the author of Access to Asia Your Multicultural Guide, named a Best Book of 2015 by Kirkus Reviews, I am enthusiastic about David Clive Price's invaluable insights and cultural intelligence practices - he has opened a new door for global business travelers. The Bamboo Strong mindset and David’s newly designed dynamic activities are created to challenge thinking, encourage flexibility, and catalyze self-discovery. The flexible nature of this new guide is quintessentially bamboo encouraging readers to nurture their own journey of self-discovery while cultivating the resilience to thrive in the complex circumstances and rich cultures of our time.
    Sharon Schweitzer, J.D.
    Author Access to Asia
    Austin, Texas USA
  • With Bamboo Strong, David Clive Price brings the reader from theory into real-life practice. Telling stories from his own adventures - both personal and business - the author illuminates his message To succeed in business globally, you'll do well to tread the road less travelled, to remain curious and open-minded, to engage with humility when you're not sure what to do. Oh, and to keep a sense of humor. His impressive personal stories are well chosen and informative. For anyone expanding their business into unfamiliar parts of the world, this book is a gently insistent reminder to remain flexible like bamboo, in order to grow strong. Highly recommended. (I received an advance copy of the manuscript and agreed to review the book using my best judgment. This is my independent review.)
  • YOU are at the center of the Global Experience. How can YOU become a Bamboo leader? You will need your own copy of Bamboo Strong to understand the analogy. You will also need to be open to the experience and ready to travel from Europe to Asia and back. You will want to discover and develop that part of your brain (or heart) that is like your cultural muscle.
    What Bamboo Strong is not It is not your usual cultural competence resource. It is not a list of facts or behaviors that are acceptable or best avoided.
    What Bamboo Strong is a very personal and experiential book about life, life circumstances, and resilience. It raises awareness of cultural intelligence and introduces new ways of looking at diversity.
    Thanks to very vivid and concrete examples, the author takes us through an experiential exploration of cultural awareness, driven by the acceptance of diversity, curiosity, and values such as courage, performance, and exploration.
    Culture is viewed through the lens of the ever changing self and of values (such as courage, innovation, and transformation) rather than through the lens of fixed cultural dimensions, so that we can all identify and think of our own circumstances and stories.
  • In his fascinating, beautifully written, and page-turning book, David helps you to uncover the essential skills you need to influence and inspire others who come from cultures that are not your own. In an era when the world has become a village and businesses of almost every kind operate in global markets, it has never been more important to acquire these lessons. Lean in to learn from a wonderful array of knowledge, expertise, and personal stories that will assuredly help you to chart a course to masterful cross-cultural communication.

    I was fortunate enough to receive a review copy of David's book and I'm delighted to recommend it wholeheartedly.
  • The virtue of success in the globalised commerce is much dependant of the leaders CQ (Cultural Intelligence), which cannot be gained without sophisticated knowledge. “Bamboo Strong” explains this complex phenomenon in very classy, elegant and practical manner.
    Friendly explanation of very sensitive cross-cultural management issues builds up an understanding making this reading really enjoyable.
    David Clive Price brilliantly shows that cultural intelligence is opposite to cultural ignorance, which is in fact very expensive for leaders and their organisations, and cultural mistakes can cost years of success.
    Excellent book for those wishing to act globally.
  • We are crossing borders and bridging worlds now faster

    than ever before. This timely book is a powerful tool that lets

    us ride on the evolutionary wave towards becoming a flexible

    Bamboo Leader and bridges the separations that we

    see outside ourselves so we can do better business. David

    guides us to work with our inner separations, which are at

    the root of almost all the pains and problems we experience

    in daily life. This is a book with a heart and sense of balance

    that I consider rare at this level of business books. David’s

    message helps us lower our own barriers to become more

    responsive, share, grow, and profit together.